The Great Microbiom Revolution

The Discovery Of A Nobel Prize-Winning Russian Immunologist In 1908 Could Help Millions of People To Improve Their Skin, Boost Their Metabolism, Strengthen Their Immune System & Improve Their Mood And Focus.


“(It) can prevent and treat many common diseases.” Harvard University

“(It) may influence the brain and behavior, perhaps even playing a role in dementia, autism and other disorders.” New York Times

It all began over 100 years ago:

In 1908, the Russian immunologist Ilya Metchnikoff won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of phagocytes, a key cell of the immune system.

But that’s not why he’s remembered today. You see, around this time, a great mystery was going around the scientific community: the people living in many villages in Bulgaria were living much longer than the population in other countries.

So much longer in fact, that many scientists began a quest to discover the secret to their longevity. The answer that this Russian scientist discovered might still hold the key to living a longer, healthier life.

In 1907, Metchnikoff published a study promoting the idea that a new kind of bacteria discovered 2 years earlier was the key to the incredible longevity of the Bulgarian rural population.

Called Bacillus Bulgaricus, this lactic acid bacterium is responsible for transforming milk into yoghurt.

Metchnikoff was the first scientist to introduce the idea that not all bacteria were harmful. According to him, there were also ‘good’ bacteria that could prevent ‘bad’ bacteria from forming.

From that point forward, it became Metchnikoff’s mission to spread the message about the power of Bulgarian yoghurt. He began giving public presentations, promoting his view that Bulgarian yoghurt had the capacity to stop the aging process thanks to this unique bacterium.

And yet, despite his best efforts, the general population didn’t really care. He gained a small, passionate audience who started purchasing fermented yoghurt in stores and pharmacies – but the general public was still afraid of bacteria.

After all, it was only 40 years earlier that Louis Pasteur had discovered the link between bacteria and disease.

And so, for nearly a century, almost everyone was content to forget about his eccentric theory.

How Modern Science Rediscovered This Ancient Health Secret

It wasn’t until 2007 that the mainstream scientific community took another look at the role of the human microbiome in health and disease.

In 2007, the Human Microbiome Project began – a five-year-long international effort to characterize the microbes in our gut.

Thanks to the decreasing cost of whole genome sequencing, it allowed organisms to be identified from samples without needing to culture them.

The results of this emerging research captured the attention of scientists all over the world.

Within a few years, these researchers realized that the human microbiota may consist of a total of over 1,000 different species of microorganisms.

According to some recent estimates, the gut contains more than 100 trillion bacteria – which means that you have more bacteria in your gut than cells in your entire body.

All these numbers vastly diverge from the original view of the gut microbiome – that we had a few species of microorganisms and a few billion bacteria in our guts.

That was the beginning of nearly a decade of frenetic research in the link between the human microbiome and health and disease.

Scientists quickly identified that some good bacteria in the gut were responsible for fermenting dietary fibers into short-chain fatty acids, which are then absorbed directly, providing important metabolic benefits.

They proved that intestinal bacteria play a role in synthesizing vitamin B and vitamin K. And a few years later, they even identified that these short-chain fatty acids play a key role in producing hormones and neurotransmitters.

More importantly, clear links were established between the dysregulation of the gut flora and a host of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.

Why The Gut Flora Is So Critical For The Immune System

The research emerging in the field of the human microbiome might truly be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the 21st century.

According to many researchers, the development of the immune system is made almost entirely in the gut during our first one to two years of life.

As we grow up, the lining of the intestines becomes a kind of “barrier” – responsible for deciding who to let in and who to keep out. When the gut flora is in balance, this intestinal lining is able to keep out harmful substances, pathogens and bacteria – while letting key nutrients pass into the bloodstream.

This is why many reports show that up to 70% of the immune system is actually in the gut. This is because the gut is basically like the bouncer of the body – tasked with the key responsibility of filtering bacteria and other microorganisms.

This has been proven by many studies. According to a study from the journal Nature, germ-free mice have a completely different and lowered immune response compared to regular mice. They have impaired immune responses to certain pathogens, making them more susceptible to disease and infections.

A study published just a month ago from Sloan Kettering used the blood and fecal samples from more than 2,000 patients treated between 2003 and 2019. They tracked daily changes in their gut microbiota and the number of immune cells in their blood.

They found that three strains of friendly bacteria were associated with increased blood concentration of immune cells, called neutrophils – and two strains of bad bacteria were associated with reduced numbers of these cells.

How The Health Of The Gut Determines The Success Of Your Diet

Millions of people attempt to lose weight every year – but according to recent estimates, only 3 to 5% succeed in losing and keeping off the weight. What gives?

It might have to do with the fact researchers have recently discovered a link between the gut flora and human metabolism.

An article published by Harvard Medical School recently showed that when lean, germ-free mice are populated with the bacteria found in obese humans, the mice also become obese!

On the other hand, when obese mice is populated with the bacteria of lean humans, they lose weight and become lean as well. This finding has been reproduced in numerous studies.

How is that even possible?

It’s simply because ultimately, what matters isn’t the calories you eat, it’s the calories you absorb. Since the gut flora plays a key role in your digestive system – some bacteria are much more effective than others at “harvesting” energy from the foods you eat.

The more of these “energy-harvesting” bacteria you have in the gut, the more calories you will tend to absorb. This explains why two people can eat the exact same diet with different outcomes – it’s not genetics, it’s the gut.

Some inflammatory bacteria have been proven to produce excessive amounts of short-chain fatty acids when digesting our foods – while others simply extract the nutrients and let the foods be eliminated after that.

At 9 calories per gram, short-chain fatty acids produced by gut bacteria can quickly accumulate to hundreds of additional calories absorbed per day through no fault of your own.

The Link Between The Gut Microbiome & Anxiety And & Depression

Even more incredible is the fact that many symptoms of anxiety and depression have been linked with dysregulation of the microorganisms in the gut.

In fact, this is an extract from a scientific review from the prestigious journal Current Opinion In Neurobiology:

“Two studies highlight the importance of diet for both gut microbiota composition and mental health. In adults without mood disorders, higher anxiety and lower fecal Bifidobacterium was associated in women and higher depression scores and lower Lactobacillus was associated in men.”

This is not entirely new. Named the “gut-brain axis”, it has long been established that the gut plays a key role in the production of key hormones and neurotransmitters. According to Caltech University, over 90 percent of the body’s serotonin is made in the gut. Serotonin is the ultimate “feel-good” neurotransmitter – associated with lower rates of anxiety and depression.

Scientists have also found that autistic kids and adults have vastly different gut microbiomes from their non-autistic counterparts.

When the gut flora is out of balance, many key neurotransmitters become deficient – including serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter, GABA, the relaxation neurotransmitter, and even dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for motivation.

In addition to that, a healthy gut microbiome has been shown to play a key role in the regulation of stress hormones such as cortisol. When the gut flora is unbalanced, it’s been proven that we have an increased reaction to stressful situations.

In short, your gut plays a key role in your overall mental health and well-being.

Why Gut Flora Dysregulation Is So Common In The Modern World

At this point, you might be thinking – if the gut is able to do all these things effectively, what’s wrong?

Unfortunately, in the modern world, our gut flora is completely out of whack. Through a combination of antibiotics, poor diet, lack of exercise, lack of dietary fiber and excessive stress, our guts are under attack.

What’s the evidence for this?

According to a scientific paper from the university of Copenhagen, “six months after (antibiotic use), the gut still lacks nine common beneficial bacterial species”.

This means that after just a short antibiotic course, the gut still hasn’t fully recovered up to 6 months later!

Even worse, this is only in adults. Since the gut flora of children is still developing – and since children are much more prone to diseases and infections requiring antibiotic treatment – antibiotics have a much more devastating effect for them.

According to recent research from Massachusetts General Hospital, young children given antibiotics early in life are at higher risk of asthma, type 1 diabetes, and perhaps even autism later in life. Their use can have side effects for years, if not for the rest of their life!

If you were given antibiotics as a child – like most children – you might still be suffering from their effects today. Even if it’s not from a disease – it might be from a slower metabolism, or a weaker immune system, or even allergies.

It’s also been found that stress can reshape the gut bacteria through stress hormones and inflammation. The chronic stress so many of us experience on a daily basis might be rewiring our guts to be out of balance.

The high fat content and lack of fiber in our diets is also cause for concern. According to the famous scientific journal Nature, “a high fat diet markedly affects the gut bacterial ecosystem at the functional level.”

High fat diets change the composition of the gut flora for the worse, leading to increased concentration of bacteria producing inflammatory substances. But a high fat diet, when combined with low fiber intake – the typical pattern of western “junk food” – has even more devastating effects.

A study by Stanford University School of Medicine showed that lower-fiber diets may produce internal deficiencies for generations.

Their study conducted in mice indicates that low-fiber diets deplete the complex microbial ecosystems residing in the gut – and that this loss of diversity can affect the organism for several generations.

What Is The Best Way Of Protecting The Gut Microbiome?

Is it even possible to protect our gut anymore in the modern world?

Science shows that there might just be a way of “fixing” the gut naturally, and it’s giving hope to millions of people all around the world.

By using probiotics – a concentrated supplement full of good bacteria – it might be possible to change the composition of your microbiome.

A review of the scientific literature around probiotics conducted by the famous European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found in January 2019 that “Probiotic consumption can improve the immune, gastrointestinal, and female reproductive health systems in healthy adults.”

How is this possible? It’s quite simple: by “feeding” your gut with a high concentration of specific species of beneficial bacteria, they eventually colonize your gut and weed the bad bacteria out of existence.

It’s essentially a double-action – not only do they add good bacteria, but they also help fight the bad bacteria that cause inflammation in the microbiome.

In typical academic understatement, another meta-analysis from 2013 found that “There is scientific evidence supporting the incorporation of probiotics in nutrition as a means of derivation of health benefits.”

But despite their growing popularity, the truth behind the probiotics industry might surprise you…

The Truth About The Probiotic Industry

Given the amount of scientific research proving the importance of the gut flora, it’s understandable that the probiotic market is growing at a breathtaking pace.

The global probiotics market surpassed $44.2 billion in 2019, and is estimated to rise by up to 7.7% per year until 2025 according to Adroit Market Research – making it one of the fastest-growing health industries.

But just like in any growing market, and since it’s mostly unregulated, dozens of dubious manufacturers are flooding the market with low-quality products that damage the reputation of probiotics.

A 2016 study from the University of California-Davis used DNA analysis to compare the bacteria listed on the labels of 16 commercially available products with what the products actually had in them.

The researchers found that only 1 of the 16 products contained the strains listed on the label – some had entirely different bacterial species.

In another study from the scientific journal Cell published in September 2018, the scientists gave a probiotic to 10 healthy people for four weeks. For 4 out of the 10 people, the probiotics passed right through them and weren’t absorbed at all.

Why is that? Simply because the probiotic capsules weren’t properly protected against stomach acid – which means that people with strong stomach acid production were just dissolving the capsules before they ever got to colonize the gut.

Another major concern in the probiotic industry is that even for one strain of bacteria such as Lactobacillus Acidophilus, there are multiple different “versions” of that same strain. Typically, one or two of these versions have been scientifically studied – and the other ones have absolutely no research to prove their effectiveness.

Most probiotic manufacturers opt to choose the non-studied version simply because it’s cheaper and leads to higher margins. It’s easy to verify this – if a the list of ingredients in a probiotic doesn’t contain a specific 4 or 5-letter code next to each strain such as “Lc-11” or “BB 536” – that means it’s a lower-quality product.

So if most probiotics don’t contain the bacteria promised, and might not even be absorbed at all, where should we look?

How A Trusted German Brand Is Revolutionizing The Probiotic Market Worldwide

After learning about these big issues with most probiotics, the trusted German supplement brand Nupure set out to create a new kind of probiotic that would solve these problems forever.

They hired a premium probiotic manufacturer from Denmark that uses extreme measures to ensure the quality of their products.

They’re so severe about making sure that their products actually contain the promised number and strains of bacteria that every single bottle of probiotics produced contains a specific batch number.

It’s possible to input this batch number on the official website of Nupure to see the test results of the laboratory for this specific bottle – guaranteeing perfect transparency in the quality of each and every bottle.

This revolutionary new probiotic, called Nupure Probaflor, contains 20 billion live cultures per capsules from 11 clinically proven strains of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria.

It’s one of the few probiotics with the certification “Sehr Gut” from the prestigious TÜV Test. They were also the test winner from in the probiotics category in 2020.

Every capsule of Nupure Probaflor is enteric coated against stomach acid using a proprietary technology that guarantees perfect absorption and colonization of the gut by the friendly bacteria.

Even more importantly, every single bacteria strain in Nupure Probaflor contains the scientifically studied version of the strain – this can be verified thanks to the code next to each bacteria strain on the label.

At under €15 per month for 20 billion live cultures with 11 different strains, it’s by far the best and most cost-effective product on the market.

With over 100.000 customers in Germany alone, Nupure is quickly becoming one of the worlds most trusted supplement brands.

Nupure Probaflor’s Test Results


Nupure Probaflor was the test winner of the probiotic category on the german testsite with a grade of 1.4. It also received the grade “Sehr Gut” from the prestigious TÜV Test.

More specifically: TÜV Saarland asked Probaflor’s customers about their satisfaction.

The criteria included: the quality of the products, delivery time, handling of complaints and the overall price/performance ratio.

They concluded that the product was of excellent quality – making it one of the highest-rated probiotics in Europe.

More than 93% of Nupure’s customers would recommend the brand to other people.

Benefits Of Nupure Probaflor

Thanks to Nupure Probaflor, thousands of people are already experiencing the following benefits…

  • Improved energy levels and reduced fatigue
  • Stronger immune system
  • Better cognition and focus
  • More positive mood and reduced anxiety
  • Improved stress tolerance
  • Reduced food cravings and appetite
  • And much, much more!

How to order Nupure Probaflor while it’s still available

After being featured in multiple media outlets and major websites recently Nupure Probaflor is quickly running out of stock. The manufacturer of Probaflor recently issued a statement saying that the product might not be available for long, given how quickly it’s selling out.

After the product is out of stock, the next batch of products will probably be sold at a more expensive price.

To take advantage of this special offer, click on the button below to check the availability of Nupure Probaflor and see if the product is still in stock.

An unconditional 90-day money-back guarantee

The company Nupure is so certain that Probaflor will be helpful for you that it provides an unconditional 90-day money-back guarantee.

The terms are simple: if you’re not happy with your product for any reason – or even for no reason at all – you can simply send it back for a prompt refund. You can even get a refund on a pack that you’ve already opened, and even if it’s empty!

This is because Nupure knows that Probaflor delivers amazing results to its customers, which is why they’re so confident in the quality of their product.

Why most people choose to order multiple units of Probaflor

Most clinical studies show that to get the most out of probiotics to improve your health, it’s important to take them on a daily basis for at least 4 months.

The company is currently running a special promotion – every purchase of 4 packs of Probaflor allows you to benefit from a unique 15% discount on the original price. A purchase of 2 packs allows you to benefit from a 10% discount. The discount is automatically deducted at the checkout during the ordering process.

Given the fact that Probaflor might run out of stock soon, and that the price will probably increase soon, most people choose to order 2 or 4 packs of Probaflor to make sure that they don’t run out of this revolutionary new product.

If the product is still available, after clicking on the button below, you will be redirected to the product page, where you will simply have to choose how many units you want to order.

After that, you will be redirected to the ultra-secure order page, where you will be able to pay by Paypal, Klarna or credit card depending on your preference.




