An answer to the question: Did I already have Corona?

A way back to normality Since March, the coronavirus SARS CoV-2 has been causing public life all over the world to stumble. In Germany, too, the population is subject to the sometimes severe restrictions. How long lockdowns, contact restrictions and mandatory masks will accompany us cannot be predicted. The chief virologist at Berlin’s Charité hospital, … Read more

Schlafende Frau

How important is a good night’s sleep?

It is probably no surprise that a restful and sufficiently long sleep is important for health. The tiredness and lack of energy after a sleepless night are consequences that you notice immediately. Did you know that we sleep on average 1/3 of our lives? Accordingly, an 80-year-old person has spent about 27 years of his … Read more

Ingwer ist gesund

Ginger – What effect does the healthy tuber have?

The winter season is officially here and so is the annoying cold season. Luckily, you can find this health booster almost everywhere. Find out here what healthy substances ginger contains, what effect it has on our health and what preparation options are available. Ginger has been used as a remedy in Chinese and Indian medicine … Read more


Protein – Essential for our body

At the moment, we are seeing a trend towards more and more protein products on the shelves of many supermarkets. The range of protein-rich supplements, such as high-protein chocolate bars and the like, is growing by the day. But why is protein so popular and healthy? And are protein supplements necessary or just a new … Read more

Sore muscles – What can you do?

It can be painful and unpleasant – sore muscles. Who hasn’t experienced it? Everything was fine during sport, but the next morning it’s hard to move your arms and legs. But how does sore muscles develop in the first place and what can you do about it? How does a sore muscle develop? Originally, it … Read more

Honey – A sticky sweet miracle

Honey is a well-known miracle weapon against colds, inflammation of the throat and difficulty falling asleep – we already know this from our childhood. But this household remedy can do much more! Honey can strengthen the immune system, support liver functions and even detoxify. In recent years, the secrets of the golden viscous substance have … Read more

Superfoods and good Alternatives

Superfoods are very much in vogue. Goji berries, avocados or chia seeds are among the most popular trendsetters among healthy foods. Manufacturers advertise the often rather exotic foods as true ‘superfoods’, which are supposed to lower cholesterol levels and strengthen the immune system, for example. Yet chia seeds, goji berries and the like are often … Read more

Slim with intermittent fasting – the trend in check

Intermittent fasting is supposed to make the pounds fall faster than other diets and have a positive effect on the human body – so proponents of the trend diet. Their euphoria draw supporters from various animal studies, which attribute a life-extending and weight-regulating effect to the interval fasting. But are these study results transferable to … Read more

Wieviel Sport ist gesund?

How much sport is still healthy?

Regular exercise keeps body and mind fit and has numerous positive effects on our health. Besides tighter skin and stronger muscles, it strengthens the immune system as well as the cardiovascular system and ensures a general sense of well-being. But how much sport a week is healthy and is too much sport even harmful? Sport … Read more

This new skin care discovery helps thousands of people fight skin problems

advertisement (Munich, Germany) – A new skincare revolution is currently allowing thousands of people to fight their skin problems without spending money on expensive creams and treatments. Many experts are confirming that this new discovery represents “the future of skincare”.  According to several researchers, it could allow anyone to fight acne, pimples, dry skin, red … Read more